
First Announcement We're moving!!! As of November 1st, 2017, Shelburne Family Chiropractic will be moving to: 310 Main Street East, Shelburne, Ontario (Yellow Brick House with Red Door, 2 Doors Down from Funeral Home) Our clinic is very excited for the new space and we hope that you'll enjoy the new clinic location too! For now, Dr. Magder will continue to practice from his current location at 215 First Ave East. Closer to November 1st, we will send out an email reminding everyone of the move to the new location. Second Announcement With our move comes growth! We're happy to announce that ADDITIONAL wellness services will be available at Shelburne Family Chiropractic. Since we first opened up, our goal has been to provide you and the Shelburne community a one-stop wellness centre for most of your needs. Therefore over the next 2-6 months, the following services will become available:
Holistic Nutritionist
Naturopathic Doctor
Osteopathic Manuel Practitioner
Registered Massage Therapy
We are currently finalizing our growing team and will provide introductions to our new practitioners shortly. We will also continue to work closely with our partners at Towne Fitness, Soaring Heart & Wellness, and Shelburne Physiotherapy in both health/care needs and providing patient exclusive offers.
#ShelburneFamilyChiro #Chiropractor #Chiropractic #Shelburne #Orangeville #DufferinCounty #WellnessCentre #HealthTips #HealthyLiving #Announcement #Team #WeAreMoving